Meet Laura

Laura has passionately been on the path of midwifery for close to 20 years. Her many years of experience as a rural midwife in the hills of Northern California (the 707 zone!) has resulted in a  MIND*BODY*SPIRIT approach to life.

LD is on a mission to grow and support a posse of loving midwives to care for the growing demand of women choosing natural birth at home or at a birth center.

In her podcast, Ask Midwife 707—Intimate Conversations from “Womb to Tomb”, She brings the roots of motherhood, spirituality, nutrition and more to you. Inviting you to listen, laugh, and cry while exploring birth stories, rants for midwives, and interviews that encompass all of life’s natural events.

Reminding you to chill out and be mindful of your inner pace of life, Laura created the product line Midwife Made: Herbal Rituals of Sip. Soak. Nourish.

Fusing her passion of feeling nourished with ritual life habits that cultivate self love and inner calm. Sharing the remedies she has created for herself and her family.

Laura is also co-owner of Moonstone Midwives Birth Center, a midwife-owned free-standing birth center in Humboldt County supporting families through the journey of birth.